Thursday, 5 December 2019


Create a free website or blog at WordPress. I recently took a vacation to Europe — rending me without WiFi. In the game, the old axe is found behind the shed in the Garden. I will upload them ASAP. Thanks to the generosity of CoolTrainer Marty, we now have a total of 11 new builds! I've been searching for months on how to get old builds for Yandere Sim. See you in the next update! outdated yandere simulator

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These include the following: Well, I yajdere I have to get to uploading those builds! Old Yandere Simulator Builds Host. See you in the next update! June 3rd, ; June 16th, ; June 16th.

The old axe is a weapon in Yandere Simulator. Thanks to the generosity of CoolTrainer Martywe now have a total of 11 new builds! Oudated season 9 episode 10 road trip Talib kweli ft busta rhymes rocket ships Digital Electronics: Our new high score for views is !

(OUTDATED) Old Yandere Sim Intro Part 1 - Yandere Simulator

Ayano Aishi, also known as Yandere-chan, is the protagonist and the main character of This cutscene is no longer in the present game and is outdated.

This video is extremely old, and no longer reflects Yandere-chan's characterization, or how the intro of the game will play out.

outdated yandere simulator

Thanks to the generosity of CoolTrainer Marty, we now have a total of 11 new builds! And I finally came across this website that provides tuns of epic old builds. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use. Learn how to contribute here! I have decided to change the compressed file type from a.

Create a free website or blog at WordPress. These include the following: Thank you so much for contributing to this website! To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: If you want to contribute, click here. This will help me save time and get the builds out quicker since opening, compressing, and uploading the builds can sinulator quite time-consuming.

outdated yandere simulator

YandereDev states in the description of the videos for this intro that what is shown is "extremely old, and no longer reflects Yandere-chan's characterization. Thank you for your help and contributions! Outdated yandere simulator File size: This graph shows how the amount outdatwd views fluctuates throughout the month. I have an explanation.

(OUTDATED) Old Yandere Sim Intro Part 1 - Yandere Simulator - video dailymotion

I have recently returned from said vacation and I apologize for the tardiness of these builds. I will upload them ASAP. This site uses cookies. Thank you all so much! Yandere Simulator Pack This pack contains: I recently took a vacation to Europe — rending me without WiFi. In the game, the old axe is found behind the shed in the Garden.

Here are the stats: Thank you for your patience and understanding!

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