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I see her anger when I offer to help the other children with homework. He remembered the day when he first met her. Tell him if you did it. Bolanle, the fourth wife of a traditional polygamist patriarch, is the protagonist of this tale and it is her arrival, and its implications, into Baba Segi's household that sets the story moving. When I get home, I must remember to slip Akin a note. the secret lives of baba segis wives free pdf

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The secret lives of Baba Segi's wives

I sat in one of the armchairs and crammed a stool into the little small space between my knees. Baba Segi has not left the house yet. Your request to send this item has been completed. Our appointment is at ten A.

The Secret Lives of Baba Segi's Wives: A Novel - PDF Free Download

Apr 21, Sterlingcindysu rated it really liked it Shelves: A gold bracelet rested on the back of her hand. You livss bound to us. It is important that the wives know their place in this house. As readers we can appreciate their very different upbringing and circumstances that led them to marry into Baba Segi's household.

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Wivfs surprised me that Bolanle could speak to us after Iya Femi turned her like a spinning top. A grunt escaped from the woman lying next to him. Then one day, as Mama sat in the front yard wrinkling her nose, the babies would leak down her leg. After a few more minutes of hand stroking, we turned into a short driveway.

The characters who populate this story are women and men you know, and their feelings and decisions about life are those familiar to us all. As soon as they spotted the pickup approaching, they jumped thd the air and cheered.

The look Iya Segi gave me could have thrown me from my seat. Take your small brain out of my sight. What could I do? I made her understand who was in charge of this house.


The two tablets she gave me chased me to the toilet. It was as if a wild beast from inside me wanted to suck blood from her throat. May 05, Laura rated it liked it Shelves: The strength of the book, apart from its ethical appeal to me as a woman-oriented feminist text, is the style, which is direct, often explicit, with a relish for coarseness and frankness around the body that recalls Angela Carter, but in a Nigerian rather than British tone, and the dialogue rings.

The only reason you are allowed to be here is that she has permitted it.

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In particular, the first wife, Iya Segi, is wickedly Machiavellian in her running of the household, although her attempt to insure her place of superiority amongst the wives ultimately ends in tragedy for her. After a few months, the same Iya Segi who said we should watch Bolanle from a distance started to boil. Not for the monthly allowance, not for the lace skirt suits, and not for the coral bracelets.

I gave him the queen he asked for.

The problem is that the fourth wife, Bolanle, has not conceived a child in two years of marriage, thus setting in motion the unraveling aecret the lives of everyone in the house. Iya Segi, deadpan, inched toward him and asked if he needed some cold water to calm his stomach. I give him an eyeful of my decadent colors.

The Secret Lives of Baba Segi's Wives: A Novel

They would need lessons in etiquette too. You look at him in another light and see a large but kindly, generous soul. What I really wanted to say was that it seemed Bolanle had learned to keep her suggestions deep in her stomach. I must have looked uncertain as the vehicle picked up speed because Baba Segi turned to me with sympathy in his eyes.

When she opens her mouth and English begins to pour from it like heated palm oil, the constable will be so captivated, he will throw our friend behind bars!

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