Tuesday 10 December 2019


Just because you aren't currently able to get Maven working doesn't mean it doesn't work. I am new to Maven and was thinking it provides automatic JAR dependency management. If nothing you're compiling depends on a class not present in the compilation classpath, and nothing depends on a runtime class that isn't present, there won't be any issues. A real project may have a hundred dependencies--how will you track those dependencies by hand? Suzan Cioc Suzan Cioc Asked 7 years, 8 months ago. Therefore, if you want to use JMX, you will need to download the respective jmx zip folder from Oracle's website. com.sun.jdmk jmxtools jar 1.2.1

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Dave Newton Dave Newton k 21 21 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. The metadata for 1. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Maven will download the dependent jars for you and put it in the class path, but this jar was removed from the repository, have a look at this post: Post as a guest Name.

Lightforce Don't need to do all this for 1. Improving the question-asking experience. So what is the purpose of Maven? Isn't it easier to download jars manually than do police investigation of each Maven kicking up?

com.sun.jdmk jmxtools jar 1.2.1

Sbhklr Sbhklr 2, 1 1 gold badge 13 13 silver badges 20 20 bronze badges. Email Required, but never shown. It's better, of course, if project maintainers are more careful about the metadata that they upload to central.

So there is no simple way to see Maven work? By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. You will have to download them from Oracle, accepting their license, and add them to a local repository manager. SuzanCioc Not really true; a dependency is a dependency, regardless of whether you manage it manually or let something else manage it.

If you don't need jms functionality you can exclude jms from log4j dependency:.

com.sun.jdmk jmxtools jar 1.2.1

I don't want to do this. I cannot see what's happening in your Eclipse, nor can I reproduce the problem. This is why I started trying another versions. So this is an Eclipse bug or something?

Index of /downloads/maven2/com/sun/jdmk/jmxtools/1.2.1

It's not included anymore due com.sun.jdkk licensing issues if I remember correctly. If you don't need jms functionality you can exclude jms from log4j dependency: The reasoning is that it's better to work around bad metadata than cause unreproducible builds. SuzanCioc You were told what's wrong with Log4J 1.

Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. However, you will never be able to download the JMX dependencies'. Sign up using Facebook. When you upgrade something?! Although I'm not sure why it complains about a missing dependency; it should get it from the geronimo package.

SuzanCioc Your original pom, using Log4J 1.

Missing artifact :jmxtools:jar – WTF? | j steven perry, The Blog

Just because you aren't currently able to get Maven working doesn't mean it doesn't work. SuzanCioc With this pom.

Im a little new to log4j I am new to Maven and was thinking it provides automatic JAR dependency management. If I select 1.

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